Have you showed investors "whats in it for them?" A direct answer to your question is not possible as there might be many reasons on why you didnt get a response. Funding is not an easy process and it will take a lot of your time. * You will need to understand what investors look for and what e...
To directly answer your question, different products have different requirements and are subject to different regulations. And each product and product category should be evaluated individually. You can check the government link for some related info. https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/ceb-bhst.nsf/...
Validation and monetization - two great questions. See some great tips on how to do validation in this answer: https://clarity.fm/questions/6423/how-do-you-do-market-research (happy to help you plan your specific validation process) Regarding monetization - the most suitable business models in t...
You can find your answer on the Small Business Association website for your state. If you still have questions, visit your local City Hall official and they can assist you.
This depends upon the state. Each state has a different definition of what constitutes "transacting business within the state" Some states will not regard selling products to customers physically present within the state as transacting business - it would require more of a physical presence on ...
Hi, Each item/creation is subject to its' own license and you need to make sure that the license permits you to use whatever you purchased for commercial use and/or that the intellectual property rights/ownership rights have been transferred to you, or that you've received a license to use the i...
Well done for creating the app. Great question. Regarding setting the price: I would try run a survey with some screen shots that show the game and it's purpose/experience, and ask potential users how much they would pay. I would run one survey with open end questions, such as: "which payment me...
Hello, I can help you with product designs. I have never followed my design products to production or to market. I use the Adobe creative suite to design products.
This is an great question. Actually, I have working from home for almost an decade now. I do have some experience in working in the telemedicine world as well. Personally, I recommend you work for tele-medicine platforms such as Quality Nighthawk.This way, you have an great income while working f...
Great question! Each expert sets their own rate. When a client books a call, they enter the estimated length of call (generally around 30 minutes) and know the estimated amount they will be billed. Once the call is over, Clarity calculates the actual length of call in minutes, multiplied by the ...