
I have an idea for selling advertising (print) to business owners. Problem: No idea who buys ads and who doesn't, profit skyrockets when the sale is $8,000 and above but is negligible with sales of $1,000 and below. I have no intentions of trying to setup some app or online site to coordinate sales as this leads to copycats very quickly. Opportunity: With co-op mailing, I can get businesses to advertise for less yet reach the same number of people. There is no "expertise" needed whatsoever as anyone with capital can buy advertising and resell it.

The perfect strategy is to show your client what their benefit and return on investment would be on this specific advertisement. This is what they are looking for from your pitch. It is great if you show them a positive benefit that they will receive from the advertisement. An example would be a return of a certain amount of money that is more then they invested. Sometimes they will have a certain budget that they must spend wisely. You must ask what the client needs for their benefit. It could be an increase towards their image or recognition. After you find out what they need you will be able to sell them the right advertisement.

Answered 11 years ago

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