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Hi there! My name is Humberto Valle, strategist expert with over 10 years of practice. I run a few subscription groups, if you're interested check out one of my latest articles - you may find it useful : But enough about me, the relevant tags you are seeking appear at the bottom of each content section where you enter your expertise here on Clarity. At the bottom of the text editor box you see the option to enter keywords and the automatic predictive tool gives you suggestions which from where to chose. To add more power to your keyword selection make sure that you are also using the keywords you chose in that section also in your text description of your expertise itself. Having the keywords redundant a bit will help you even more.
Mentor, Entrepreneur, Lawyer, Public Speaker
Hi Almost the exact same question was asked a few weeks ago on this platform, so maybe the answers there will help you: Good luck I've successfully helped over 350 entrepreneurs, startups and businesses, and I would be happy to help you. After scheduling a call, please send me some background information so that I can prepare in advance - thus giving you maximum value for your money. Take a look at the great reviews I’ve received:
Online Advertising
Social worker and guide to entrepreneur's
If you wish to know How To create blog...You need to follow 6 Basic Steps. 1.Decide about your NICHE (any hot topic/ you having good skill in it) 2.Pick Your Blog name/Domain Name It must be short and sweet and it should be Descriptive. 3. Technically short blog (Not heavy site/domain) Please do some research on content management system i would recommend you "Wordpress" to make technically short blog. 4.Select Wordpress/Blog Theme If you are running through short of Money go for Free theme or you can buy it. Please refere below sites for Themes. 5.Create content that converts Positive approach towards blog/niche,Do keyword research (Recommend you to do some keyword research on Pint-rest/uber suggest). 6.Promote you content and get traffic to your sites. SPECIAL NOTE: Please Dont rush to get traffic using some illigal ways. promote your content on below platform, hope you will get good and convertible traffic. Pintrest,Google,facebook,Youtube,Forum Question & Answer,Guest Posting. hope you got how to make blog.Please feel free to make call for any challenges. Please Upvoke if you satisfied with answer. All the very best...!! Thanks..!!
Lead Gen Expert. Founded 2 agencies and exited
I think a better way to think about it would be to choose based on your own skillset. Blogs can succeed or fail in any subject matter, but what sets you apart is the value you provide. Choose a topic that you're most knowledgeable about and that you can provide a unique perspective on. And, even more important, don't limit yourself to blogging. It's a lot easier to go viral on TikTok right now than it is to go viral with a blog post – so by all means start the blog, but amplify it by repurposing your content for other platforms. If you write a great blog article on a DIY subject, you can repurpose that into a TikTok instructional video and link back to the blog. That way you're amplifying the reach of both your platforms and doubling your chances of getting traffic.
Lead Gen Expert. Founded 2 agencies and exited
I cofounded a development agency that's grown to over 150 employees, so I know this topic intimately. First off, you're on the right track. Even recognizing that you want to get yourself out of the minutiae puts you way above most founders. What you need to do is learn to delegate. The trouble is, that's a lot harder than it sounds. It sounds like right now you're wrapped up in doing a lot of daily tasks. That's a natural impulse for a founder – after all, you want things to be done right. But here's an exercise I'd recommend: make a list of every single task you have to get done within the course of a day. Everything on your to-do list. Then, circle every item on the list that only you are capable of doing – so only circle the items that no other person could do. Chances are, you'll circle very few, if any tasks. Now for all the items that aren't circled, write the names of anyone else who could do the task next to it. Then, pick a person and delegate each task. It's that simple! Delegation is hard at first, but it's vital if you want to grow. Once you free yourself from minute detail work, you're free to think and act like an agency head and see the bigger picture. It's amazing how much clearer things get when you can give yourself more room to breathe. Trust me, you'll thank yourself for it.
I am an expert about all the technical things.
just do your pramotion on comments section in other websites like linkedin, instagram, and facebook too
Team Leader & Coach
Depends. Case 1 : You want majority shares to be within your close circle. Well, in this case, your friends and family control over 51% of shareholding. But this limits the amount of money you can raise as Investors only have 49% portfolio in your company. Now, if you want this business to be scaled upwards, this will be a limiting factor. On the other hand, your inner circle will call the shots. Case 2 : You are ready to give a majority to investors outside your close circle. In this case, you and you only should control 21% of equity shares in your company. This will increase the fund infusion capacity of investors. But, the risk in this case will be when few investors, together, own majority shares thereby limiting your control. So, bottom line is all about your control on the company. Hope this answers your question.
Fitness, Digital Marketing Expert, Life Lesson
Don't ask them to be your partners. If one of them showed interest, then that's a good sign. You need someone passionate enough to work with you long term. See if they complete what is missing on your side of the equation, skills wise. Not just financially. See if you are compatible personality wise because you will be fighting a lot over stuff and you don't want someone who can't handle that. call me if you need more help
Mentor, Entrepreneur, Lawyer, Public Speaker
1. Linkedin 2. Facebook. 3. Music forums 4. Instagram. 5. Bands / Orchestras. Ask others on the above platforms to help. People enjoy sharing and participating in such things. Sounds fun. Good luck I've successfully helped over 350 entrepreneurs, startups and businesses, and I would be happy to help you. After scheduling a call, please send me some background information so that I can prepare in advance - thus giving you maximum value for your money. Take a look at the great reviews I’ve received:
Managed 100 startups EU based, helped raise 25M€ +
I think if you are hoping to make a living off Clarity, you should place your energy elsewhere. Use the Answers section to train on how to answer real questions you will receive from clients in the marketplace, whether on Clarity, other platforms for through face to face activities. Improve your ability to communicate clearly and in a manner that showcase your expertise, is impactful and is persuasive enough that it enages your audience to ask for more. Once that interest is at its peak, then you need to move in to close the deal, and make your business request.
Small Business Online Marketing
Mentor, Entrepreneur, Lawyer, Public Speaker
Schedule 2 separate calls. The person books a call using the promotion link (or just set your hourly rate to 0), then, change the rate, and have them book another call for a time which is directly after the first one. Alternatively, let them book a paid 30 min call (at half your usual rate) and then talk for 60 minutes - so they’ll only be paying for 30min I’m actual fact. Good luck
Press Releases
Lead Gen Expert. Founded 2 agencies and exited
Press release sites have always been so-so for me. I've used PR Newswire in the past and have had success with getting the release picked up. If it's a well-written press release with an interesting hook, you can definitely get traction. The question is what is the traction for and does it actually convert into sales. So I'd say it depends on your goal – if all you care about is eyeballs and your press release is good, go for it. But make sure you've thought about how best you can spend your time/money to make sure there's not a better outbound approach you could be taking.
Content Marketing Advisor & Agency Consultant
What are you looking to do? I am a fan of MeetFox for scheduling and billing for 1:1 coaching sessions. For training software, there are a million options depending on what you need. I am playing with Wishlist Member right now. Teachable is a decent option for getting started quickly and inexpensively. Let me know what - specifically - you're looking for and I can probably recommend something more fitting.
Digital Marketing
Co-Founder and Director at Vidico
I am really excited by this space, not just at the consumer level with Calm and Headspace, but also at the enterprise level with startups like Ginger and Modern Health. If you're looking to scale customer or client acquisition, I'd suggest the following: 1) Content Marketing — I would take your knowledge as an expert, and write long-form articles on the topic. You then submit the articles to major publishers. I have found this to consistently be the most inexpensive method of acquiring large scale awareness at a low cost. Ads can be tough to make work if you haven't got a decent capital backing for a product like this. 2) Video Marketing — Youtube loves this category of content, and if you can give out a preview of your program, you could start by doing some internal video production of you speaking — people listen to experts that can communicate with charisma. If you have this quality, just keep speaking on the topic consistently, and post three times per week on Twitter, Youtube and Medium. If you'd like to talk further on the above, feel free to book a call with me, or see more of my work in video at
Lead Gen Expert. Founded 2 agencies and exited
I haven't spent much time in the philanthropy world, but I've worked with a lot of digital product startups to help them refine their pitches and raise millions of dollars in funding, ranging from seed stage late-stage startups. It sounds like you have two separate, but related, questions here: 1. How to make money from a free directory site 2. What you need in order to raise money to build the site For the first question, there are many ways to monetize a free-to-use digital product. You can charge for advertising slots on the platform, collect and sell user data, set up affiliate links for revenue sharing, use a freemium model... really the options are endless. It ultimately depends on your target user. For the second question, the answer is really that it depends. It could be, but looking at what you're written, I'm unclear on what your differentiator is. Why will people use your site as opposed to another one? Is it simply that you would be the biggest after having built the site? Why should investors go with you as opposed to another entrepreneur? What's your plan to attract traffic and users? From just what you've written here, I don't think this is enough to raise money – but if you've got a more thorough plan or you have some other differentiator or key advantage things could look different. Feel free to reach out if you'd like to set up a call to discuss this further. Either way, wishing you luck!
Growth Hacker
Before you ask money you will need to build something quick and dirty (MVP) and try to get few users to see if your idea can fly. Truth to be told that it’s going to be near to impossible to get funding unless your idea is A. High-Impact for global change where nonprofits like Chan Zuckerberg Initiative or Gates Foundation can fund it. B. The data you collect is so valuable that you can sell the data to make money. C. You can get ridiculous amount of traffic to generate ads revenue. In all the cases you still will need to build something while keeping things bootstrapped. I highly recommend you to build a desktop/web directory app vs native app to test your idea. Use open source technology like WordPress. Google “best wordpress directory theme” and you will find something suitable for your need. Here are some helpful reads
Certified Food Scientist & Microbiologist
You can check out freelancing sites for article writers and submit proposals. There's a lot of information on the internet on how to do this. I am happy to discuss if you want on a call.
Private business owner
A customer or consumer is what businesses want. The concept that every customer matters should be embraced. Even if you do not have the accurate information the customer is asking for; there is nothing wrong with being the first to acknowledge his or her question; even if your answer is let me get that information for you!
Value adding advice built on analysis.
Is your hesitation moral (you shall not cheat), or if the quality of the service from Meowessay? I can not help you with the last part, but I am sure, that if you search on Meowessay you would hear some war stories - good and bad. I hope, you are thinking about the first part. And you should. If you can look yourself in the mirror, and truly say, that your circumstances justify this, then look into it. But one thing is your (potentially) guilty conscience; another is, that you will graduate with a degree, that you actually did not qualify for. When you try to get a job afterwards, you run the risk of employees either thinking you are a fraud, or just haven't learned enough, if you can not talk about the subject, that Meow Essay solved for you. Guilty conscience you can learn to live with, if you really want to - not getting hired will not bring you food on the table.
Value adding advice built on analysis.
I have found Mailchimp really easy to work in. Everything is integrated, it will collect mails - it just works. Look into it - or set up a call, if you want some tips on how to get started.
Delivering high-value growth and efficiency
Hi, The question of a "good software" package really does require a bit more of a review to ascertain what is suitable to your needs, and I say this after reviewing multiple software packages and business requirement cases in many different verticals and industries. Some of the things you will need to consider are: 1) What your entire business process is? From start to finish, not only could the new tool be incompatible with the rest of your business, but it could present new opportunities that you haven't had before. 2) What are some of the features that are more/less important to you? You say to help with the import/distribution management but that could need a higher focus on integration with providers and shipping, or it could be more data focus for manifests, ease of use, mobile accessibility, maybe you want a less SAP/complex approach. Which brings me to my next point. 3) What is your price point? Now is often viewed a little too strongly in my opinion, as the cheapest product might make for a more expensive process. Something to consider in the market is subscription parameters (user/product licenses, enterprise vs. basic, scalability etc). It is true that sometimes the absolute best software will be far too expensive when it's all said and done, by the same token the cheapest product might require so much more additional work and steps to make the overall product viable that it will cost more anyway. So it's important to get a very comprehensive understanding to see what would work best. If you wish, more than happy to go over this with you in a call should you require. If nothing else, i hope that this gives you a good platform to get started with.
I am an expert about all the technical things.
Online, however, there could be anything going on behind all of that technical wizardry, right? Technically that is true, but online bingo played at regulated websites is as fair, safe, and trustworthy as the real thing.
Get Advice On Growing Your Real Estate Business
I believe not at the moment no.