

Venture Capital

How do I increase venture capital with a prototype?

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Jeff Fluckiger

Digital Marketing & Advertising Expert

Get investors to be able to visualize as much as possible. Tell a story. Focus on the solution it provides. Make your story relatable if you can. If you can get their buy-in on all these things (the problem, solution, common ground, good delivery of the message, etc) the prototype becomes less important at this stage of the game and all of those other variables will overshadow the thing you don't yet have. In your story/explanation, provide as much visual detail as possible--while still keeping it simple. Remember your ABC's and 1-2-3's.

Answered over 7 years ago

Joshua Blank

Sales Manager and Entrepreneur

You probably won't be meeting with VC's with just a prototype (unless you're in certain industries). You're better off meeting with angel groups and allowing them to see and use your prototype. Your prototype won't necessarily increase venture capital but it may increase your valuation if the rest of your business fundamentals are solid.

Answered over 7 years ago