Facebook Advertising
I was wondering if there's a way to spy on competitor's ads (like be able to know things about their campaigns, such as who are they targeting, their budget, etc.). I've googled around and I don't seem to find a good way to do it. Thanks!
Unique Insights, Creative Solutions
It wouldn't be easy, quick, or super accruate, but you could create a bunch of different facebook profiles, and then use each one to do searches for certain things on facebook, certain companies profiles, etc. Make each profile a different age, different sex, different income (it guesses income based on education level and job title). Then see which ones see ads, and which don't.
Answered over 8 years ago
Business Strategist & Conversion Expert
similarweb.com is another site that will show you where competitors' traffic is coming from...if they are large enough. It can be quite educational, especially paid vs organic traffic info.
Answered over 8 years ago
Founder of Partnerhub®
AdFinder is a tool I use pretty regularly (along with a few others) to find all keyword (branded or otherwise) relevant posts and ads on Facebook.
Another similar hack is to use GrowthBot from HubSpot (installed on facebook messenger or Slack) and ask GB what keywords a competing company is buying in adwords.
I hope this helps!
Answered over 8 years ago
E-commerce Expert | Growth Hacker
Facebook recently made it super transparent. You just need to go to your competitors' page and look at the tab on the left. You will see "Info & Ads". Inside you'll see the active ads, the one that are running right now.
Answered over 6 years ago