
Ernest Saco

Product Management & Entrepreneurship Expert


I can help you with fundamentals and best practices when building, launching, and growing a tech product. I've also built and sold my own eCommerce business using only Influencer marketing.

I've led multiple teams at multiple $100M+ tech companies. I've also recently started my own tech startup and am in the process of raising money for it.

If you're looking into breaking into a career in Product Management, I can guide you to getting your first Product Management job with best practices I've learned from both applying as well as interviewing product management candidates!

Recent Answers

Customer Acquisition

Best way to market and acquire salon & beauty spa customers?

Ernest Saco

Product Management & Entrepreneurship Expert

Because this is highly localized, and in the beauty industry it's common for people to ask for referrals from people they know/like/trust.. I would suggest trying to go after some local influencers. Reach on Instagram, send them a direct message - tell them you'll give them a free service and if they had a positive experience you'd appreciate them posting about it on their social media. Once folks start to see you do a great job and can see their friends/folks they follow have gone to you and they like the results, you'll start getting business organically.

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EntrepreneurshipDigital MarketingeCommerceProduct ManagementEmail MarketingInfluencer MarketingMarketing AutomationProduct DevelopmentInternet EntrepreneurEcommerce Strategy