
Results for: New Business Development

There are a lot of great resources about running a business on trusted sites like, the Small Business Administration, and countless (countless) other advisors and experts publishing their advice for free. Additionally, is PACKED with fantastic content available for $19 per cour...


How important is scaling? For example, if you're charging $400/hour for consulting and filling 20 hours a week, would you need to scale? Products are great, but there's a lot of unbillable hassle involved in the path toward getting there. Your product needs to have a big enough audience to giv...


Congratulations on your new opportunity. For any business strategy to work, you must have the following: - A clear, articulable mission or objective - Buy-in from the entire group - Ownership from each member of the group - A system to measure the success of the strategy - A well-defined custom...


I've been a co-founder of three ventures and have had to negotiate ownership stakes with my partners for each one. I've also conducted intellectual property diligence, as a consultant to IP/M&A attorneys, for multiple multi-million dollar software M&A deals. As Stoney said, it's a bit hard to co...


This is one of the core reasons agencies are a service-centric model vs product-centric: quick to monetize and a function of human labor/ effort to scale (unlike products that are usually slower to monetize, require high initial investment but scale really well). So the answer is either you need...


There are countless competitors already to Teespring, what they do is not new nor did they invent a new way of printing for fundraisers. I think what you're suggesting will actually hinder you. The finite time limit creates scarcity and exclusivity. If you are a member of a group or organization...


The simple answer is: good developers get paid. You have a few options that each come with different risks. 1. Find a development agency looking for equity projects. There are more out there than you would expect but be prepared to show them all the details. They are going to want to see that...


Hi Rebecca, I would love to connect you with one of my contacts that brings medtech inventions like yours to market. There are an R&D wing of a healthcare provider and have brought some cool products to market already. Please send me a quick message and I'll get you my email address and set you u...


Hello! Aside from the typical website platforms, I would recommend using Twitter's hashtags and user handles. Try following and using the ones that your potential prospect or otherwise ideal partners would be following and start sharing about your work, your progress, and outreach for a potential...


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