
Results for: Marketing

Hey there. I've been transitioning my career to mobile for years now, and have been shifting my areas of expertise to account for the consumer shift in their use of smartphones. Most consumers now check email on a smart phone. A growing percent of inline traffic is happening on a smart phone. Th...


You've asked a lot of questions here. And I can say that these approaches are all valid. > companies that bury their blog are often tentative about it. Someone in the company has decided that it doesn't warrant attention - perhaps it's not ready for prime time. > Industry-wide stand-alone pub...


I would use social. Since you know your potential users are spending a lot of time on their mobile devices and you need to get them to pay attention to their computer, I would market to them through social. Target the social channels that your target market would be frequenting. Don't be afraid t...


Hi there! I purchase quite a bit of PLR, but tend to focus on content about digital marketing and online business rather than physical therapy and sports medicine. My go-to sources are,,, and ...


While you've created a good amount of content on your Kickstarter campaign, your website is lacking severely in it. With that in mind, when it comes to your website I'd propose focusing on these two main goals: 1) Increase lead generation through your website. 2) Engage more with your current (...


Hi there! In few words, the launch date does not matter a lot as long as you are following with a continuous marketing plan all the year. It is better to tune your lunch date according to your marketing campaign than connecting it to the seasonal event. The timing of your launch only matters if ...


I can appreciate the goal, but you should be aware that anything like this is just going to be a starting point. Every company has different marketing needs. Industry alone isn't the only variable. Geographic location, price points, market position, existing customer base, and many more variables...


Do you mean the marketing of such a service? Or the fulfillment process itself? (Yes, to both.) You'll probably benefit from looking up some Michael Gerber / EMyth content. Essentially, you can systemize your process, while retaining the "secret sauce" that makes what you do special. You just...


It depends on your budget. Companies like Nielsen or other international market research companies had offices in these cities and they offered professional research services. However, many successful teams in the region would build their own research projects in-house. If you are in a budget,...


Here’s what you could do using Linkedin: 1. Find and create a list of target prospects: There are 550 million LinkedIn users. With LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you can create a list of target people who *fit the right criteria* of prospects that might buy your bathroom product. 

 You can filter b...


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