
Results for: Leadership

Hi, I have worked with, interviewed, and sold to extremely successful people following a few simple principles. It can be scary, but preparation will help you manage the fear. Here are my thoughts: First, consider why you want to work for him. How will you benefit from a job with him? Don't ...


Are you already submitting your content to social bookmarking sites like Reddit and StumbleUpon? Those sites are great for gaining early traction. As soon as possible, start making a serious effort to convert visitors to subscribers so that you can rely less on social bookmarking sites. Make a l...


The obvious answer is that you have to create content that has value for educators. Think about the problems they have, the questions they need answers to, and write blog posts that address these concerns and answer their questions. The second thing you should do to grow your readership is to m...


In italy you have a saying along the lines of: "Doctors usually suffer from what they cure"... meaning they're too busy being good and helping others do that one thing that they don't do it for themselves. I see the same for myself: I have 50+ apps in the App Store but unfortunately none of them ...


Let me start by giving you some real data for our agency. When we started blogging we had about 1,000 visitors a month to our website. Today we have 13,000 a month. We currently have almost 700 subscribers to our blog and we blog almost every single day. The result is almost 250 new leads a month...


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