
Results for: Digital Strategy

Hi, I work for a FinTech saas company and we A/B all over our website. Not sure if you have done this already, but do you have a clearly defined ideal customer (buyer persona)? I mean a vivid picture of what your ideal client is like? where they are located (if that's relevant), their buying pat...


Primary Marketing Rule - Everything revolves around benefits, not features. People pay for benefits. If you write a course about programming using some tech like React or Django or Node... likely your income will be much lower than starting with a benefit. So... A benefit might be.. "How to to...


I own a digital marketing agency and have helped many businesses create and execute social media plans. I would not hire someone right off the bat for your type of business. It's much more efficient nowadays to hire an agency or freelancer to set it up for you with software. The software will ...


I can appreciate the goal, but you should be aware that anything like this is just going to be a starting point. Every company has different marketing needs. Industry alone isn't the only variable. Geographic location, price points, market position, existing customer base, and many more variables...


I recommend you do some A/B (or "Split") testing. Choose a sample of your audience and market the product at $0.99. Market the same product to another group at $5. We expect that the lower price option will sell more, but we don't know until we experiment. In my experience, sometimes a lower pri...


Fun perks? Hell no! Most people don't give because there's no assurance that money will be used properly. It may simply be feeding a habit or going down a bottomless pit. If a homeless person were raising money not for himself directly but for a reputable charity, then that might motivate con...


Try getting someone famous (in relevance to your target/desired audience) to post that they are on your platform (be sure to make sure that the platform works and gives value before approaching them - otherwise nothing you do will work). p.s.: before launching, did you actually check that there w...


One solution could be to use smaller, more portable cranes or hoists in place of large cranes. These smaller cranes can still handle heavy loads and be moved around the construction site more easily, but they may be more affordable for smaller businesses to purchase or rent. Additionally, there a...


Instagram is great for attracting targeted customers. But the biggest problem is you can't add links in the post. The links are added as text and are not clickable. I think following is the only best way to covert your followers to customers: 1. Keep posting quality content. Always post unique, ...


Remember when you start a business or are an established business you have to decide who is your perfect customer, since not all potential customers are equal, and not all potential customers are profitable. It is likely that the type of customer who is purely price orientated like those on Elanc...


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