
What category should i search for if I Need assistance with finding my WHY to catapult my real estate career

I want someone to interview me using the 7 levels deep exercise from Dean Graziosi Millionaire success habits book


One approach to doing this is to use the old Radio Publicity model... which has made many a person a fortune...

This is how I built my first opt-in list back in the 90s, using Radio Interviews with people sending me letters, using Postal mail.

Hire someone to...

1) Read Dean's book.

2) Work out with you questions to ask.

Tip: At this point, likely you'll craft the questions to which you already know all the answers.

3) Person you'll be working with must be adaptive, fluid enough to craft an organic sounding interview.

4) Generally both you + the interviewer will both have specific goals for the interview. This might be something you're selling or some other conversion, like people emailing an address to opt into a list.

You'll both work out how to cross promote each other, when you're designing the interview.

Tip: If you've never done this before, check out Alex Carroll's courses on Radio Publicity or Podcast Publicity...

Last time I spoke with Alex, both these courses are included in the Podcast Millions course, so likely that will be best course for you to acquire.

Answered 5 years ago

Your why could be a lot of different things. It could also be a hard turning point on what you want to do with your life. It could be keeping you from investing in real estate as that may not be the path for you. Personally I purchased a few quadraplexes before i decided that the real estate route wasn't for me. There are several ways to get things going in real estate from management all the way to the more passive side. In my experience I don't particularly like being the manager of properties that I own, however I do enjoy owning them as long as i can have them managed by an outside company. If you have any questions that I may able to help with, feel free to schedule a call for more information and specific help!


Answered 5 years ago

start by going to basics. why did you choose this carrer? go from there.
Feel free to reach out and i will be more than willing to talk you though how to find your WHY!

Answered 4 years ago

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