
What tools must I have in order to create, market, and sell an online course?

Many of the people I see today in the digital marketing space (Frank Kern, Brendon Burchard... etc.) have created a great system online where I opt in, receive a gift, and be marketed towards an online program, that leads me to a main product (coaching, workshop, speaking... etc.). I'd love to do the exact same thing. I've got my content, nich, and target market. What do I do? What tools and/or steps must I utilize?


I've set up a number of online courses, and also supported other business owners in their online course creation and hosting.

This is a huge topic with a number of variables. You may decide to host your course on your own Wordpress platform, in which case you'll need:
- a website (if you don't already have one)
- a member plugin
- e-commerce plugin or means to accept payment
There are lots of options within each of these, so a lot of decision-making to do!

What's often considered simpler and easier is to use an online training platform. Again, there is a huge range of options and the choice will partly depend on your budget and the features you're after.

There are a number of online articles that compare and contrast the features, but I've found the reviewer usually recommends the product they're affiliated with - or the one that suits them best. That doesn't mean their preference is best for you, it depends on your needs and resources.

One product that seems very popular at the moment is Teachable. Prices range from a free plan to $39-$299 a month depending on the volume and features.

Teachable has a stunning builder, a huge range of features and powerful marketing and analytics. It also integrates with MailChimp, Ontraport and a range of others. You'll need either a Stripe or a Paypal account to accept payments.

If you want to give me a call I'd be happy to discuss your specific requirements further so you can have a clearer idea of the best course of action for you.

I hope that helps. :-)

Answered 8 years ago

Search Devin Slavin in Google. He just held an excellent symposium on online course creation.

Answered 8 years ago

There are number of different platforms that are designed to help you with what you are after that provide a varying degree of functionality. Some focus just on the LMS side of things, some focus more on marketing, some like our platform LearningCart ( try to provide everything you need (website, LMS, ecommerce, reporting, etc).

One thing many people don't know when they get started with elearning is there is actually a standard for developing web based training (SCORM). Although it sounds great to use a tool like teachable, those sorts of tools are using a proprietary format that locks you into their service - If you ever want to use another system you must rebuild ALL your content.

If you develop your training using SCORM you can take your content and easily load it into the 1000's of LMSs that are SCORM compliant. Long term it gives you options and it also lets you much more easily license your content because most large corporations (and schools) are already running a SCORM compliant LMS internally. Some of the popular SCORM compliant course authoring tools right now are captivate (by Adobe), articulate, and ispring. These are desktop applications that are way more powerful than the web based authoring tools and have a long track record of support and feature expansion. Again if you develop your content using one of those authoring tools in the long run you have will a lot more control and options.

Hope this information helps, happy to answer any follow up questions you might have or setup a call to honestly assess your needs and recommend what platforms might be a good fit.

Answered 8 years ago

There are several platforms out there to create, market, and sell an online course, I hope these links will be helpful for you:

Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered 4 years ago

Sharing with you some useful articles (how-to) for creating online courses for selling:
1. - Complete Guide on Course Development by Michael Sheyahshe, he has over 2 decades of experience in the design and development interactive media, tools, simulations.
2. - HowTo Guide on 'How to make online course interactive' by Helen Colman, instructional designer of iSpring
3.Also, i wrote that article on about eLearning standards, hope it helps some:

About tools you can check comprehensive guide here:

And if you have a questions - i will glad to answer on it!

Answered 4 years ago

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