
Put together a top 100 questions asked by California tourists....which would be the best way to offer the infomation/service, by app, website, or PDF?

The goal for the service is to raise 10,000 as seed fund for the progression and evolution of this project . Thank you for your time!


All 3 options. That way the users can choose which is more convenient to them.

Answered 10 years ago

Sounds interesting -- how do you foresee tourists using this information? As they tour the state? If so, I would recommend an app that allows sorting by region.

A little more information will help you get better responses here.

Answered 10 years ago

In order to better answer this question, we'll need some clarification on the goal/project.

DO you mean the 100 question and dev is the project or the channel to raise the fund?

What's the difference? The channel would mean it is the marketing method in which you raise the fund meaning that the project may be a different thing altogether.

As to method of delivery, depends if you are taking into consideration time and development costs. A PDF have minimal need for dev, while a website can be put together easily with readily available blogging CMS such as wordpress, but your mobile app has a significant amount of technical requirements from UI to functionality coding.

Also, consider HOW you plan to raise the funds? Are you asking for donations? banking on adsense revenue? selling ad space? or even selling an ebook? All of which needs to be considered in order to better decide which medium to deliver it with.

Hopefully this helps, glad to have a call to discuss more.

Answered 10 years ago

I will go for the app option. There are 3 reasons for that:
1. More credibility for your company but attention: the feeling is mutual! An app badly designed, full of errors and complicated to navigate that has no use makes the user angry and unhappy with the company.
2. Ease the consumer access. An app is a way to bring your consumer closer to your products or services. It allows customers to easily interact and make transactions without physical limitations.
3. Higher productivity for your team. Applications are not made just for the end user. They are also a great tool to benefit a company’s internal audience! Systems in their own applications can optimize tasks, streamline processes, and make information exchange more dynamic, improving staff productivity.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered 4 years ago

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