Eunice WangechiI’m caring and loving person.

Founder and trouble maker @500 startups . Also startup doer and advisor in relationship and parenting matters.

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First thing to consider here is how you approach them. For example are you the type of person who approaches ladies bragging about yourself? Most girls don’t like that, they want someone they can feel comfortable with and secure with. Then after that ask yourself ‘are you the person who keeps conversation going or you’re the person who waits until the girl reaches out for you’? Remember conversation is the backbone of every relationship. After getting answers to these questions it will help you to know where you go wrong and need to correct.

Sorry for what you’re going through with your dad I know it’s not easy to deal with him. Anyway my advice here is just to keep distance from him for sometimes and give him a short break. Maybe he is going through some stress as I know when people are approaching their old age they go through some life changes which even themselves can’t understand, so that makes them feel like everyone around them is the cause of their stress. So take it easy and give him some time.

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